Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leasing Consultants - Temps Plus is Hiring!


 Since our real estate market changed, we noticed that many of our friends and former hosts have reinvented themselves. Reinventing yourself starts out as a need to accomplish something different. It could be due to the employment conditions, boredom, the desire to learn something new or an epiphany that you just don’t like what you are doing anymore. Whatever the reason, making a change is agreeing to embark on a new journey. We say, “Congratulations”!

Over the last couple of years, Temps Plus has done some changing too. In addition to providing top notch temporary real estate hosts to the New Home industry, we also staff leasing companies and maintenance service personnel. We are bringing this up to for a couple reasons. First, we noticed that some of our real estate hosts and construction professionals have taken on the challenge of reinventing themselves as leasing consultants and maintenance specialists! This is great news because now we have more placement opportunities than ever before.

The market is providing leasing personnel more opportunities today. If you are like most of us and reading anything you can get your hands on about the market, you have read that the rental market is heating up. The opportunities are expanding quickly for leasing agents and maintenance specialists. As with our New Home clients, Temps Plus is a leader in providing property management companies with qualified personnel. If you are thinking of making a change, call Temps Plus to find out where your next assignment will be. . .

Temps Plus